Interim Results

Haydale (AIM: HAYD), the advanced materials group, announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2024 (the 'Period' or 'H1 FY25').


The full results are available to
download in PDF format

Post-Reporting Period Highlights:

Following the conclusion of the Business Review, announced in December 2024, and the securing of an additional £3.1m (gross) of funding in November 2024, the new Board and management team have taken decisive steps to refocus the Group and reduce cash burn aligned to the revised strategy. Specifically:

  • Divestment of the Group's loss-making operations in South Korea;
  • Discontinuation of the Group's loss-making operations in Thailand;
  • Exiting from the Group's loss-making operations in the US in a way most likely to realise value back to the Group;
  • Consolidation of the Group's activities onto a single site in Ammanford and closure of its Loughborough premises;
  • Actions to deliver over 55% reductions in both headcount and overheads on a full year equivalent basis compared with FY24;
  • Reorganising the business to focus primarily on its heating system products as the opportunity closest to commercialisation. Initial trials have been successfully completed, and internal testing has shown the Group's system to be a highly efficient and cost-effective solution; 
  • The Group's heating system has been accepted for testing by Centrica and certification for each of UKCA (UK), CE (Europe) and UL (North America) are also underway.  The Group has secured the first commercial orders and has a growing pipeline of demand; and
  • New commercial contracts have been secured with a leading funder of new heating systems to vulnerable households, Affordable Warmth Solutions, to develop a further graphene heater ink product, and with the national gas grid, National Gas Transmission, for the use of the Group's technology in upgrading the gas network.

Financial Highlights for the six months ended 31 December 2024:

  • Revenues decreased by 50% to £1.25 million (H1 FY24 £2.47 million) reflecting persistent US under performance;
  • Gross profit margin increased to 57.8% (H1 FY24 57%) reflecting changes in the product mix;
  • Adjusted administrative expenses decreased by 8% to £3.00 million (H1 FY24: £3.26 million) stemming from pre-Review cost reductions;
  •  Adjusted operating loss increased by 32% to £2.13 million (H1 FY24 £1.61 million) reflecting reduced turnover; and
  • Cash at Period end of £1.99 million (31 December 2023: £3.30 million).

These results underscore the rationale for the change in business strategy and the decisive actions taken to focus the business on near-term revenue opportunities, aggressively reduce costs and stem cash outflows in FY25, and in particular the divestment of the heavily loss making North-American business, all of which will contribute to the Group's goal of achieving improved profitability and cash flow in FY25, in order to protect the Group's core UK nanomaterials business.  The monthly run-rate operating expenses for the remaining UK business is approximately £0.275m.

Commenting on the interim results, Simon Turek, Chief Executive Officer of Haydale, said:  

"The interim results reflect the period before implementation of the new business strategy, highlighting the challenging financial position inherited by the new management team on January 1, 2025. With declining revenue and an unsustainable cost structure, immediate and decisive action was required.

Since then, we have restructured the business, divested non-core operations, and significantly reduced costs, aligning overheads with revenue. Our heater ink-based technology is now the focus, having delivered successful real-world trials of our heating system and secured the first commercial orders.

The strategic transformation is well underway, and while challenges remain, these actions provide a clear path to profitability. We remain committed to delivering value and look forward to further progress."


Chief Executive's Report


Following the fundraise in November 2024 and changes in Board-level management, the Board undertook a comprehensive review of all aspects of the business. The aim was to reprioritise areas with near-term profit potential and positive cash generation, whilst continuing to pursue commercially viable long-term strategic opportunities (the "Review").   

The findings of the Review announced December 23, 2024, identified significant challenges, including an excessive cost base for the level of revenue, dispersed focus across too many initiatives, and over-optimistic assumptions regarding the US business. Having played a key role in leading that review, upon my appointment to the position of CEO I was tasked with implementing an accelerated turnaround plan, an aggressive reduction in costs, and a fundamental reshaping of the business. 

These interim results reflect the period prior to the new strategy's implementation and underscore the challenging financial position the business faced at the time of the leadership transition.  In particular, the US Advanced Cutting Tool division struggled to convert its pipeline into sales, coupled with muted powder sales resulting in a significant shortfall compared to budget and prior-year performance.  As a result, Group revenues declined by nearly 50% to £1.25 million (H1 FY24: £2.47 million), with a consequential increase in adjusted operating loss to £2.13 million (H1 FY24: £1.61 million). 

Strategic plan implementation

The Review has led the Group to adopt a highly focused approach aimed at making the business self-funding as soon as practicable, with any future capital raises being directed towards supporting growth rather than covering ongoing losses. 

Since completing the Review, our strategic priorities have been:

  • Divestment of non-core, loss-making overseas operations;
  • UK operational streamlining;
  • Aggressive cost reductions; and
  • Focused commercialisation of core, closest to market technology.

Divestment of non-core operations

Asia: The South Korea operation was sold in December 2024, and Thailand was discontinued in January 2025, reducing cash outflows and minimising closure costs.

US: While the pipeline remains strong, conversion timelines have been far longer than expected, and the Group lacked the financial resources to sustain the working capital required to reach profitability. 

  • On February 7, 2025, the US business was put up for sale.
  • Given its strategic positioning as one of only two US manufacturers of Silicon Carbide Whisker for high-grade cutting tools, multiple well-capitalised buyers have expressed interest.
  • To maximise value, the Board has opted for a structured asset sale under Chapter 11, Subchapter V of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, protecting the business from creditors and minimising any further cash-based support.
  • The auction process, initiated in February 2025, is expected to conclude in April 2025.
  • The US entity has adequate funding to maintain operations during the sale process.

UK Operational Streamlining

The UK cost base has been significantly reduced, with a sharper focus on high-value scalable opportunities. The key actions include:

  • Prioritising heating technology: The Review identified Haydale's patented graphene-based heating system as a world-leading product, close to commercialisation, with a large addressable market and low barriers to entry (see below).
  • It has become apparent that the incubation projects are taking longer to convert than first anticipated and, with the focus on delivering our heating system, we have limited surplus internal capacity in the short term to deliver this work. Peripheral activities have therefore been discontinued or deprioritised to align with this focus unless there is a contractual commitment and financial incentive to continue.
  •  Consolidation of UK operations at the Ammanford headquarters, with the Loughborough facility closing by the end of March 2025.
  • Supply and distribution chain optimisation through renegotiation of underperforming contracts.

Targeted Cost Reductions

The actions noted above together with additional targeted cost saving measures taken at Ammanford, balanced with the need to deliver on the new strategic objectives, are expected to deliver the following benefits on a full year equivalent basis as compared with FY24:

  • 55% reduction in headcount across the Group (UK: 33%), significantly lowering personnel costs; and
  • 60% reduction in ongoing overheads across the Group (UK: 46%).

These actions will drive improved efficiency and cost discipline, with full benefits expected from the end of FY25 onwards.

Commercialisation of core technology: Heating system

Our heating system, being branded "Just Heat", is based on our proprietary, energy efficient, graphene heater ink, and designed for fast, even heating with simple installation.  Our solution is designed to warm homes more efficiently, cost-effectively, and sustainably, aligning with the move towards a greener, Net Zero building stock.

The product uses ultra-thin, flexible heating mats that sit underneath the floor covering, warming up quickly and evenly. Powered by low-voltage electricity and enhanced with graphene technology, it heats faster and uses less energy than traditional systems. The system is easy to install and compatible with renewable energy like solar power.

Initial trials with a social housing provider have been successfully completed, and internal testing has shown our system to be significantly cheaper to operate than standard gas and electric heating systems, as well as air source heat pumps. This makes it a highly efficient and cost-effective solution, particularly when combined with off-peak electricity and home battery storage. 

The product has been accepted for testing by Centrica and certification for each of UKCA (UK). CE (Europe) and UL (North America) are also underway.  The Group is expecting to shortly begin installation of its solution in demonstration sites across the UK, including social housing and commercial offices.

The Group has in-house capacity to produce the proprietary heater ink using HDPlas® plasma reactors, with a supply chain ready for commercial roll-out.  The Group has secured the first commercial orders and has a growing pipeline of demand.

To support commercialisation of our heating system, the team has been reorganised to focus on delivery and sales of heating products, while still servicing existing revenue-generating contracts with Petronas and Cadent.

New commercial contracts have been secured with a leading funder of new heating systems to vulnerable households, Affordable Warmth Solutions, to develop a further graphene heater ink product, and with the national gas grid, National Gas Transmission, for the use of the Group's technology in upgrading the gas network.

Business Investment

The HT1400 reactor is expected to meet medium-term demand for functionalised graphene in heater ink production and no major capital investment is expected to meet medium-term forecasts. In the longer term, expansion of non-reactor related ink production capability may be required to meet demand.

Unaudited Financial Results

These results consolidate the whole group prior to divestments and disposals effected close to or subsequent to the period end. The Group's recognised commercial income in the Period was £1.25 million (H1 FY24 £2.47 million). 

Adjusted Administrative Expenses decreased to £3.00 million (H1 FY24 £3.26 million), as a result of progressive cost savings put in place during the period.

The Group's adjusted Operating Loss was £2.13 million (H1 FY24 £1.61 million) and the Loss before taxation was £3.02 million (H1 FY24 £2.53 million) reflective of the revenue reduction.  There was no Capital expenditure in H1 FY25 (H1 FY24: £0.03 million).

The Group's net assets at 31 December 2024 were £5.15 million (30 June 2024: £5.68 million) which includes the US assets pending their disposal.  Of particular note, inventories have increased by 34.7% since the year end reflecting the silicon carbide manufacturing campaign undertaken in the period. The Group's borrowings increased by £0.52 million during the period to £1.93 million (30 June 2023: £1.41 million) reflecting the issue of convertible loan notes as part of the recent fundraise.

Cash at the Period end was £1.99 million (30 June 2024: £1.72 million). Negative operating cash flow before working capital changes was £2.16 million (H1 FY24 £1.76 million). A positive working capital movement of £0.14 million (H1 FY24 negative movement of £0.33 million) meant that Cash Used in Operations was £(2.02) million (H1 FY24 £(2.08) million).

The Company raised a total of £3.10m in November 2024, comprising £2.60 million (gross) of equity via the issue of 1,960,633,907 new ordinary shares at an issue price of 0.1325 pence each and £0.50 million of convertible loan notes. As at 31 December 2024, and at the date of this announcement, the Company had 3,759,095,958 ordinary shares in issue.


Since I joined the Board in November 2024, the focus has been on delivering the Review and executing rapid, decisive changes to streamline operations, reduce costs, and commercialise our graphene ink heating technology - a product that embodies Haydale's innovation strength.

Whilst this transition has required difficult decisions, we now have a clear pathway to profitability with a developing pipeline of commercial opportunities and active discussions with potential partners through whom we intend to take the product to market. The Group anticipates that, whilst risks still remain, the strategic actions being implemented will bring forwards the point at which the Group can generate sufficient monthly cashflow to sustain itself which was previously expected to occur in the second half of FY26. Although cash reserves are reducing, this is primarily due to investment in working capital to enable future growth. The Group retains the flexibility to adjust working capital requirements, such as reducing stock production if necessary, and potentially has the option to secure debt financing to support this build

Once our heating product is established and when funding and circumstances permit, we anticipate revisiting other nanomaterial innovations that Haydale has developed over the years.


The Board intends to appoint a Non-Executive Director with extensive energy sector experience, bringing valuable expertise in commercialising the Group's heating system. Further information will be provided in due course.


Simon Turek

Chief Executive Officer

12 March 2025



For the six months ended 31 December 2024


Unaudited  Six months ended 31 Dec 2024 £'000 Unaudited  Six months ended 31 Dec 2023 £'000 Audited Year ended 30 Jun 2024 £'000

1,253 2,466 4,820
Cost of sales
(529) (1,060) (2,008)
Gross Profit
724 1,406 2,812
Other operating income
155 237 376

Adjusted Administrative expenses
(3,008) (3,257) (6,346)

Adjusted operating loss
(2,129) (1,614) (3,158)
Adjusting administrative items:

Share based payments income/(expenses)
(56) 42 (25)
Depreciation and amortisation
(753) (757) (1,514)
- - (1,227)
Restructuring costs
- (35) (34)


(809) (750) (2,800)


Total administrative expenses
(3,817) (4,007) (9,146)

(2,938) (2,364) (5,958)
Finance costs
(78) (164) (393)

(3,016) (2,528) (6,351)

136 136 241

(2,880) (2,392) (6,110)
Other comprehensive income:

Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss:

Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations
(98) (21) 52
Remeasurements of defined benefit pension scheme
101 147 261
(2,877) (2,266) (5,797)

Loss per share attributable to owners of the Parent

Basic (pence) and Diluted (pence) 2 (0.12) (0.19) (0.40)



As at 31 December 2024






Unaudited  31 Dec 2024 £'000 Unaudited  31 Dec 2023 £'000 Audited 30 Jun 2024 £'000


Non-current assets


- 1,059 -

Intangible assets

1,295 1,350 1,338

Property, plant and equipment

4,535 5,260 4,867



5,830 7,669 6,205


Current assets


2,249 1,603 1,670

Trade receivables

871 1,019 1,088

Other receivables

521 332 376

Corporation tax

387 542 251

Cash and bank balances

1,986 3,300 1,717


6,014 6,796 5,102



11,844 14,465 11,307




Non-current liabilities

Bank loans

(1,743) (1,106) (1,392)

Pension obligation

(261) (422) (304)

Other payable

(1,494) (1,649) (1,558)




(3,498) (3,177) (3,254)

Current liabilities


Bank loans

(184) (283) (14)

Trade and other payables

(2,796) (1,598) (2,186)

Deferred income

(216) (268) (178)


(3,196) (2,149) (2,378)



(6,694) (5,326) (5,632)



5,150 9,139 5,675




Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent

Share capital

16,926 16,730 16,730

Share premium account

37,474 35,374 35,374

Share-based payment reserve

464 342 408

Retained deficits

(49,315) (42,933) (46,536)

Foreign exchange reserve

(399) (374) (301)



5,150 9,139 5,675




For the six months ended 31 December 2024

Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

Six months  Six months  Year

ended  ended  ended

31 Dec 2024  31 Dec 2023  30 Jun 2024


£'000  £'000  £'000
Cash flow from operating activities


Loss after taxation

Adjustments for:-


Amortisation of intangible assets

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment

Share-based payment (income)/charge

Profit on disposal of plant and equipment

Finance costs

Pension plan contributions

Pension - net interest expense



Operating cash flow before working capital changes


(Increase) in inventories

(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables

(Decrease)/increase in payables and deferred income

Cash used in operations


(2,016)  (2,084)  (3,360)


Income tax received




Net cash used in operating activities


(2,016)  (2,084)  (2,963)


Cash flow used in investing activities


Purchase of property, plant and equipment

Capitalisation of intangible assets


Net cash used in investing activities


(151)  (178)  (519)


Cash flow used in financing activities


Finance costs

Finance cost - right of use asset

Payment of lease liability

Proceeds from issue of share capital

Share issue costs

New bank loans raised

Repayments of borrowings


Net cash flow from financing activities


2,449  4,185  3,792

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents


Effects of exchange rate changes

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial period


Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial period


1,986  3,300  1,717



Share Capital  Share premium  Share-based payment reserve  Foreign exchange reserve  Retained losses  Total

£'000  £'000  £'000  £'000  £'000  £'000

At 1 July 2023 15,717  31,912  833  (353)  (41,137)  6,972

Total comprehensive loss for the Period -
Other comprehensive (loss)/income -
Recognition of share-based payments -
Share based payment charges - lapsed warrants -
Issue of ordinary share capital 1,013
Share issue cost -

At 31 December 2023 16,730  35,374  342  (374)  (42,933)  9,139

 Total comprehensive loss for the Period -
 Other comprehensive income -
 Recognition of share-based payments -
 Share based payment charges - lapsed warrants -

 At 1 July 2024 16,730  35,374  408  (301)  (46,536)  5,675

 Total comprehensive loss for the Period -
 Other comprehensive loss -
 Recognition of share-based payments -
 Issue of ordinary share capital 196
 Share issue cost -

 At 31 December 2024 16,926  37,474  464  (399)  (49,315)  5,150


Equity share capital and share premium

The balance classified as share capital and share premium includes the total net proceeds on issue of the Company's equity share capital, comprising £0.0001 ordinary shares. The share premium account can only be used for bonus issues, to provide for the premium payable on redemption of debentures or to write off preliminary expenses, or expenses of, or commissions paid on, or discounts allowed on, any issues of shares or debentures of the Company.

Share premium account

The share premium account represents the amount received on the issue of ordinary shares in excess of their nominal value, less any costs associated with the issuance of the shares, and is non-distributable.

Share-based payment reserve

The share-based payment reserve comprises the cumulative expense representing the extent to which the vesting period of share options has passed and management's best estimate of the achievement or otherwise of non-market conditions and the number of equity instruments that will ultimately vest.

Retained losses

The retained profits and losses reserve comprises the cumulative effect of all other net gains, losses and transactions with owners (e.g. dividends) not recognised elsewhere.

Page last updated: 13 March 2025